Forget where you parked?
We can help!!
What is My Position Mapper?
Stop spending tons of time trying to remember where you parked in a parking lot. My Position Mapper is a FREE app that is designed to save you time and stress by allowing you to mark your vehicle's position on a map a providing directions back to your vehicle. It is currently available on Android.
Map My Vehicle
On the home tab click the blue anchor button to Mark the location of your vehicle. This would in turn add an x in the location of your vehicle.
Find My Vehicle
To get back to your vehicle click the X on the map. This will make visible a delete button, red, and a map button, green. Click the Map button to open your native Map app.
Delete My Marker
Click the Marker you are wanting to delete
This will load a confirmation dialog box.
Click Ok to confirm
Close the app after marking vehicle location to save battery life.
Click the button below to download the app